Jemcodisplay.com (a division of 317,307 Industries Ltd.) wants you to be satisfied with every product you order. At 317,307 Industries Ltd., we guarantee that all products will be shipped to you free of material defects and workmanship. If you receive any product that show defects in material or workmanship, 317,307 Industries Ltd. will provide a no-cost replacement if you contact us in writing within 15 days from the date you received your order. Please open and inspect each shipment immediately, so that any problems can be dealt with quickly.
All graphics purchased from 317,307 Industries Ltd are considered final sales. There is no warranty or refund period for graphics purchases.
How To Request a Replacement Product
At 317,307 Industries Ltd., our goal is to make every part of your experience with us a great one. Having to deal with a return can be an inconvenience to your business, that is why we have a system that ensures you will receive your product replacement in a timely manner. To begin, please contact our customer service representatives within 15 days of purchase at 1-800-633-3074 .
Types of Returns and What You to Expect
Ordering Error Claims
Sometimes items are ordered in error and we are happy to help you when this occurs. We ask that you return the items in the original packaging. You will be charged a restocking fee of 25% of the original product price to cover the cost of the return. If the original packaging has been damaged please notify your 317,307 Industries Ltd. representative when you start the return.
Damaged or Lost Shipment Claims
Please take a moment to inspect your shipments when they arrive. If the packaging is damaged and the item appears to be damaged, it’s important that you keep the original package and call us to file a claim with the carrier. 317,307 Industries Ltd. will only file claims on orders shipped with 317,307 Industries Ltd shipping accounts.
Manufacturing Defect Claims
When a product is thought to contain a manufacturing defect, we will request photos or samples be provided for evaluation before your product replacement is shipped to you.
317,307 Industries Ltd. Shipping Error Claims
Please make a claim with us within five working days from the delivery date in order for a replacement product to be sent.
Additional Information
To ensure proper credit to your account, all returns must be made in their original packaging with all of the original pieces, packaging materials, software, accessories, manuals and all other contained material.
If the returned material is found to be free of defects and isn’t covered by a warranty, 317,307 Industries Ltd. reserves the right to accept the material and charge a 25% restocking fee.
317,307 Industries Ltd and its officers, agents, and contractors shall bear no liability whatsoever for statutory, general, special, consequential, or tort damages with respect to uses of products purchased, including loss of profits, business, or goodwill. 317,307 Industries Ltd. shall in no way be liable for any damages for any reason whatsoever that would exceed the replacement value of the material.